- The message ‘Global hotel search engine’ was developed to show Hotels Combined is the iconic booking site of its kind
- Data-based materials should be developed to highlight the importance of global DB and the brand identity
- Hotels suitable for each season and issues should be introduced. Its coverage and exposure should be expanded by diversifying content through various efforts such as creating infographics
- The brand’s strengths and vision should be presented during interviews with CEOs of global corporations once they visit Korea
- With the continuous development of publicity every month, media exposure has increased 20-fold
- The brand was exposed in major daily newspapers and on Naver in the travel section, boosting its brand recognition and consumer favorability
- According to a survey conducted by a travel-specialized newspaper, the brand is No.1 among hotel booking sites, in terms of brand recognition and consumer preference
- The brand’s name Hotels Combined was exposed in articles resulting more media channels reporting the brand